"Military Police Regiment") is a gendarmerie composed of soldiers assigned to watch over the Training Corps, supervise the Garrison Regiment, control the fire departments, and arrest and detain political criminals and offenders. The Marleyan Military (マーレの軍事, Māre no Gunji) is the combined armed forces of Marley, consisting primarily of the Marley Army (マーレ陸軍, Māre Rikugun) (which includes the infamous Warrior Unit) and the Marley Navy (マーレ海軍, Māre Kaigun). Trainingseinheit müssen sie die kleinen Titanen die in den Turm eindringen aufhalten. As Eren and Reiner fight in their Titan forms, Conny and his squad surround the two and prepare to help Eren. Connie behauptet, dass Eren sich nicht wie er selbst benahm und erklärt, dass er Eren selbst töten wird, wenn er mit dem Feind kooperiert. Conny Springer is a member of the Scout Regiment, ranking 8th among the 104th Cadet Corps. Connie dankt Niccolo dafür, dass er zu Lebzeiten gutes Essen für Sasha zubereitet hat und erklärt, dass er das Gefühl hat, ein Teil von ihm fehle ohne sie. Sogar in schlimmsten Situationen, versucht er einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren. They are shocked at the sight of an abnormal Titan fighting off approaching Titans, but Conny insists that it is just an abnormal and that they should avoid it. Their goal is to discover more about the origins and source of the Titans, their motives, and weaknesses; ultimately how to fight and defeat them. The Fritz royal family, who inherited the Founding Titan power from Ymir Fritz, have the ability to create and control Pure Titans using a special serum created from the spinal fluid of Titans.[ch.
Obwohl wenig von ihre Beziehung gezeigt wird, ist klar, dass Historia Connie voll vertraut. Connie Springer (コニー・スプリンガー, Konī Supuringā?) その言動に憎悪を覚えたのか、ジャンに「お前が調査兵団を巻き込んだからサシャは死んだんだぞ?」と責められると、エレンは850年のトロスト区攻防戦が起きた日に言っていたサシャの「土地を奪還すればまた、牛も羊も増えますから」という場面を回想させ、只々、無念さをにじませていた。 Despite the hatred towards the Eldians, Marleyans still rely on Eldians as cheap cannon fodders to conquer other nations and expand Marley's territory. で、この二人の名前がさー。 めっちゃ気になるんだわ。 コニーっていうのは基本女子の名前のあだ名なんだ … Their sorrow agitates Jean and though he tries to get them to accept what they have done, they do not stop crying until Reiner's inert form begins roaring. Connie ist ein sehr emotionaler und mittragender Junge. Afterwards, Jean accuses Conny and Sasha of cheating.
Some Eldian humans, known as Titan Shifters (巨人化能力者), can transform to-and-back between a consciously intelligent Titan and human form at will.[vol. With Karl's involvement in their uprising concealed, the Marleyans seized control of seven of the Titans and subjugated most of Eldia with the exception of Paradis. 体重:55kg 3. [7] Despite being in the military, Conny starts off as rather unfocused and enjoys goofing around and messing with his friends, but can also be a bit dense at times. When Titan Eren initiates his attack, Conny and the group scatter. The members identified their allegiance with a self-inflicted cross-shaped scar on the body. Historia Reiss - Durch gemeinsame Zeit in der Grundausbildung wurden sie zu engen Freunden. [13] Seine Einheit wurde von der Erste Zentralbrigade angegriffen. Although Conny manages to hit Reiner with his Thunder Spear, Sasha is severely injured and Conny is forced to carry her body to safety. Obwohl er frustriert ist, nimmt er das Leben ernster[4]. Attack on Titan: Teil 1 - Feuerroter Pfeil und Bogen, Attack on Titan: Teil 2 - Flügel der Freiheit, Attack on Titan – Anime Movie Teil 3: Gebrüll des Erwachens, https://attackontitan.fandom.com/de/wiki/Connie_Springer?oldid=54698. The following day, he is assigned to the same team as Eren and is sent to clean the cannons mounted along to the top of Wall Rose in Trost District. [18], He catches up to the traitors and uses his omni-directional mobility gear to climb on to Reiner's shoulder. Sie konnten aber den gepanzerten Titan nicht besiegen. この作品 「コニー詰め!!【垢移動です】」 は 「進撃の巨人」「コニー・スプリンガー」 等のタグがつけられた「やおさん@たくみ」さんの漫画です。 「大好きなコニーくん詰めです。 進撃用に垢を作り直しましたので重複等あるかと思いあます。 After Hange and their squad rescue them,[15] Conny joins the group in returning to Wall Rose. In der Nacht suchte die Truppe Zuflucht im Schloss Burg Utgard. [19], Connie ist anwesend, als Hanji eine Gruppe von vier Mitgliedern des Aufklärungstrupps befragt, die von Flocke Forster angeführt wurde, der öffentlich bekannt gab, dass Eren wegen dessen, was er in Rebellio tat, ins Gefängnis kam. Due to the rarity of these individuals, efforts are taken to ensure that, if possible, these Warriors are not put into situations which could lead to the loss of one of Marley's Titans.
出身地:ウォール・ローゼ南区ダウパー村 5. From there they witness Reiner's emergence from within Wall Maria, and the appearance of the Beast Titan and his army. He joins the rescue mission to save Eren, but refuses to believe the claims about Reiner and Bertholdt until he hears it straight from their mouths. Conny proves to be of no help, claiming that he is just naturally talented. 88]. [9], Conny and the new Scout Regiment members meet Eren, As ordered, in the aftermath of the battle of Trost District, he reports his omni-directional mobility gear to the Military Police Regiment for inspection as a part of the investigation over the deaths of the two captured Titans, presumed to have been killed by a soldier using ODM gear.
Diese Kleidung unterscheidet sich nicht stark von der, der Rekruten. But the 145th Eldian King Karl Fritz felt great shame for his people's actions and carried sympathy for Marley, a former nation which the Eldians conquered and oppressed and collaborated the story of a Marleyan named Helos with the Tybur family to destroy their nation from the inside while rallying the Marleyans into inciting the Great Titan War. After the sun sets, Conny and the rest of his group take refuge in Utgard Castle, an abandoned structure, which eventually falls under attack by Titans which are mysteriously active at night. During the attack, Mikasa's equipment runs out of gas, and she is left stranded. Connie Springer (コニー・スプリンガー Konī Supuringā) ist Mitglied der 104. Mit den anderen erwartet er in einer Baumkrone die Befehle von Levi. They have hard skin and regenerative abilities, and can only be killed by inflicting a deep incision at the nape of the neck. Trainingseinheit. この人とは違い、名前そのものは伏せられているが、敬語を使う特徴的な話し方や、「むふふ」という笑い方、何よりも依頼主の欄に『食い意地のはった少女』と書かれていることから、十中八九彼女だと思われる。 [2], Conny reports about his findings with Hange, Back at Trost District, Conny and Hange visit Levi, Erwin and Dot Pyxis. Seine Schwäche: Er denkt nicht wirklich nach und ist für strategische Operationen ungeeignet[2]. Levi and Hange abandon the cabin with their squads, and Conny goes with Levi and his squad to Trost District where they hope to avoid the Military Police. ".
To Conny's shock, there is another soldier tailing Levi, who aims a gun at his captain. Conny is forced to watch in horror as his former friends charge straight into the horde of Titans. [24] To the entire squad's delight, it is Hange, who informs them that the Scout Regiment has been exonerated, and that they have a lead on Eren and Historia's whereabouts.[25]. Conny quickly evacuates the immediate area around Reiner with the rest of the soldiers as Hange announces that Bertholdt will be attacking them from above. Platz in der Klasse und stammt aus dem ländlichen Dorf Ragako innerhalb der Mauer Rose.
Auch meldete er sich sofort freiwillig, nachdem Titanen innerhalb der Mauer Rose erschienen, um in Ragako nach seiner Familie zu sehen. Trainingseinheit.
He begins to reminisce about their time in the 104th Cadet Corps, and this, along with Jean's own questions, causes Bertholdt to have an emotional breakdown.
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